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Monday, March 21, 2016

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Save You Time

When people call me with questions about acupuncture, they usually ask me how much it costs. They ask me if I can really help them with their most pertinent health issues. They ask me if the needles hurt. However, I have found that these issues are not the biggest barriers to getting acupuncture treatment.

The biggest, most secret barrier is time.

So I'm here to help you answer the question amid your busy life, your kids, your job, your family, and your other healthcare options: Do you have time for acupuncture?

An acupuncture session lasts approximately 60-90 minutes. For those of us with busy lifestyles, that's a long time to sit still. Plus, you have a good amount of that time to yourself, listening to soft music or being in silence.

Can I really sit still by myself
for that long?
I occasionally have clients who are so nervous about the still/silent component that they request other activities during acupuncture. They would like to read. They would like to listen to the spoken word. They want me to talk to them, maybe to tell them exactly how they will get better. These are all cries for help from a brain that doesn't want to settle down.

Acupuncture sessions can
refresh you and improve
the quality of your sleep.
Here's why I encourage all my patients to dive in to the silent time of their acupuncture treatment.

  1. You would normally have to take a four-hour nap in order to get the refreshment of one session. (Most people rarely sleep during a session, by the way.) "I felt like I slept for several hours," is a common reaction that my patients have after getting off the table.
  2. You will sleep better regularly with these shortened "training" sessions, saving you hours of frustration in the night. This is especially true if you have racing thoughts or trouble turning off your mind at bedtime.
  3. You will not find a better opportunity to reset your brain and re-sync with your body. Your thinking and your emotions will be clearer and more defined - thus saving you from hours or even days of frantic or confused behavior.
  4. Because acupuncture stops pain and prevents future illness, you could save hours in the doctor's waiting room. Many of my patients report that while they continue to see their primary care physician, their visits are fewer because their symptoms are fewer.
  5. Fewer symptoms means less time in waiting rooms!
  6. Acupuncture sessions steer your body in the right direction without high risk or side-effects. By investing 60-90 minutes every week or two, you can decrease your dependence on medications that make you loopy or nauseated. You can avoid that surgery that would take weeks or months of recovery.

Acupuncture sessions offer you less time feeling stressed, poorly rested, and cooped up, and more time doing what you would rather be doing: spending time with your friends, enjoying your favorite hobby, staying caught up at work, and caring for your family.

There's never been a better time to try acupuncture, or to come in for a follow-up. Contact me at Lakes Area Acupuncture and let me save you some time and trouble.