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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I Do

Despite our best efforts to pin down the details, our relationships to our bodies can be elusive and mysterious even in these modern times. Sometimes a missing link within the body's natural patterns can present as pain. At times, the pain moves. Other uncomfortable symptoms may appear, like tightness. Sometimes, the miscommunication will affect entire body systems, inducing insomnia, stomach ache, dizziness, depression, or other discomforts. 

I help people discover how the disconnection occurred - sometimes it's obvious like an accident, while other times the origin is more subtle. I treat with acupuncture based on the most effective way to restore vital communications by balancing the body's hormones and neurotransmitters. Once the acupuncture points start "talking" (a term describing the sensations when acupuncture points are stimulated), then all the body's systems can start to work together in the pursuit of whole-body health.

More about Acupuncture