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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fresh Horizons, New Names

Thank you for being a part of my world. Your local acupuncturist is doing something new in 2016. You will have the opportunity to receive:
  • weekly tips on staying healthy with Chinese medicine
  • regular deals on acupuncture services, herbs and more
  • guided meditations to make your days (and nights!) easier
  • a direct line to professional answers for all your questions
I am now practicing as Lakes Area Acupuncture, but don't worry, you will get all the same benefits as you did when I was Danielle R. Hair, L.Ac.! I'm changing more than my business name and my last name (since I married the illustrious Cory Horton last year). While I grow, you'll get more value from acupuncture than ever before.

Are you ready? 2016 might be your healthiest year ever, with the help of Lakes Area Acupuncture.