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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Safety of Chinese Herbs

In the right hands, Chinese herbs can be a powerful tool in healing. Acupuncturists like myself have completed hundreds of hours learning the appropriate use of over 200 substances. Through the clinics I have worked with, I have seen herbs prescribed in all different forms and brands.

When the time came to purchase my own pharmacy, I chose Evergreen Herbs, a company that is based out of California. With Evergreen, Dr. John Chen has pioneered his specialty in the West - the union of herbology and pharmacology. His perspective on herb/drug interaction has been invaluable to my education; he literally "wrote the book" on herbs. More on why I chose Evergreen.

His company uses the highest standards in processing and features minimal use of binding agents to compile powders (other companies use potato starch). At Evergreen, the herbs are ground and cooked, then boiled down to their constituent matter and used as granules. The result: A customized powder that dissolves in water, providing your body with the elements you most need.

All of the herbal products I carry undergo quality control. Many of these products are only available by prescription; they are not to be peddled on the street. I am confident in the origin of the herbal ingredients I use. I am excited about the new DNA sequencing technology that is pioneering an authenticity check for herbal supplements. I look forward to getting junk supplements off the market and out of our bodies.

Herbs redirect the function of your body over the course of your treatment plan. Like with acupuncture, you don't have to take herbs forever.